Solo Tour June 2004

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Matt & his nephew Hughie Batherson at the Kings Theatre in Annapolis Royal Matt & the Church Pointe family at the King's Theatre, Annapolis Royal Matt & the Church Point family at the King's Theatre, Annapolis Royal Jack Sheriff at Kipawa, Kentivlle
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Matt & Jack Sheriff Holly, Matt & young fan at the Osprey Theatre, Shelburne, NS Matt & fan at the Osprey, Shelburne, NS Matt & Timothy at the Osprey Theatre, Shelburne, NS
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Mike & Matt, Osprey Theatre, Shelburne, NS Matt & the birthday girl, Osprey Theatre, Shelburne, NS Matt & fan, Osprey Theatre Matt & Fan, Osprey Theatre
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Dylan McCarron, Velvet Olive, Hfx Jack Bonaparte, Velvet Olive, Hfx Lynn Horne & Jack at the Velvet Olive Beautiful spot...Osprey Theatre, Shelburne,NS
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Matt's favorite Aunts,Nettie & Pheemie, Moncton NB McSweeny's Moncton, NB McSweenys Moncton Vaughn Matt at McSweenys